Thursday, October 28, 2004


I've been having a little bonsai trouble lately. The tree looks really nice. It's a star juniper, good shape, good size, but the foliage seems to be drying out. I don't know what the problem is. I've been checking the soil moisture lately. This one is my best, but I haven't had a really successful one yet. Unless this one doesn't die. Then I'm good.

I made my own alphabet. It's kind of pointless I know, but it is a little bit better than it sounds. It's phonetic, and has enough letters for all of the different sounds. Even reading that now, I know how lame it sounds, but I'll have you know vowel sounds are more complicated and numerous than it initially seems. Okay, that is lame. I'll move on now.

Not really a whole freakin' lot else going on. School's going well enough. I'd better go before I come up with something worse to talk about than a fake alphabet.

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