Sunday, December 12, 2004

Now with 30% less lame!

This blog comes to you with 30% less lame. This means I finally bit the freakin' bullet, and did that whole bit of a date thing. The one I've been supposed to do since August 28th. It was a hoot. We watched Hero. It's a good movie. Awesome style, unusual story. Good company to watch it with.

In other news, I've completed another semester at the community college. I got straight A's in all four classes, and now need to schedule the A+ exam with CompTIA. Wish me luck. I understand that it is much easier than the CCNA exam, which I already have passed, but you're never sure until it's over.

I also just finished a couple of Neil Gaiman's books. I recommend American Gods, and Stardust. Both good. Both seem typical of what I have come to know of Gaiman's style. He seems to like the surreal fantasy world, but in American Gods, like Neverwhere, he keeps it in a modern setting, still as unreal as Tolkien's works. Gaiman does tend to have some moments that are just a little too unbelievable, but his characters stay interesting, and real, and the characters are really why I read the books anyway.

Alright, I've got some studying for the big exam, and some sleep to get here, and the sleep is about to win out over both studying and writing.

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