Thursday, February 24, 2005


It's been a few days. My birthday was nice, but uneventful. We're having a family dinner/celebration this Sunday though, and I'm going out with a few friends (Alice, and four other people I haven't mentioned here) this Saturday. I'm looking forward to that.

I hurt my foot last week pretty bad. It's still sore, but I can walk without limping or anything. Just hurts when I move my toes too far. But, the way I hurt it gives me some pretty cool bragging rights. I was slacklining. They had the line up at the rock gym again, and I was doing alright. I can take a few steps without leaning on a stick or anything, which is not bad for a beginner. In case I haven't mentioned before, slackline is like a tightrope, only with a little more slack. It looks tight, but when you step on it, it gives and sways. Kind of bounces a bit like a trampoline. Anyway, when you fall off you usually fall to one side, and the line snaps your ankle as your weight slides off of it. It hurts, but not as bad as a bowstring snapping your forearm when shoot an arrow with your elbow locked. That's not what happened. I fell with one leg on either side of the line. I was worried about other things than how my feet would hit the ground. I didn't damage the other things, because the line is only about three feet up, but I landed with my left toes curled under, kind of like a ballet on point thing gone too far. I still climbed, and slacklined after that, but the next morning I was woke up at five from the pain. By Saturday I could walk okay.

Speaking of Saturday, that speed-dating thing was kind of fun. I got, like, seven matches. The girls outnumbered us three to one though, so it's not that great of an accomplishment. I'm especially happy with a couple of matches. Alice, and another girl I kind of like. I will call her Jane. I don't think I've called anyone Jane yet, and Jane is going all millitary here, so it's sort of fitting. I've gone out with both Alice and Jane before, but it was a total set-up thing. That was back a few months ago at the last church run dating game. This one isn't so much of a setup. At least our opinions are taken into account this time.

That sums up my last couple of weeks. So, see you next time.

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