Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Second Week

It's interesting being back in school, and back downtown again.  I have to admit, physics and chemistry are close to kicking my butt, but I think if I buckle down and get a good routine down for studying, then everything will go smoothly.  The nice thing about the science classes is that they make all my other classes look like cake by comparison.  Nutrition and philosophy may make claims to be real sciences, but they've got nothing on the harder ones. 
I'm at the computer lab in the school library right now, and there's a girl a few computers down wearing headphones and singing along to the music on her computer.  I don't think she realizes it, but her headphones don't seem to be plugged in all the way, because the sound is definitely coming from the computer speakers.  At least it gives her singing some background.  Speaking of singing, there's a short, stout guy with a funny haircut who I frequently see singing by the square outside of the library.  I think he has some kind of retardation, and he signs while he sings.  I wouldn't mind knowing what's going through his head.  We do have better music as well.  There's been a DJ outside of the student union playing some pretty cool music.  I got a CD from him, and it looks like it's got some good mixes on it.  I'll have to check it out when I get home. 
Also, I think I saw the silver man.  He wasn't all silver this time.  I tried to get a picture, but it came out all blurry.  It's like getting a picture of sasquatch or something.  I think he's got some kind of once a week class outside of my Thursday physics lecture.  This would also explain why I've seen him poking around my physics room (it's the same room it was last year).  Of course, the theory that he's stalking me may still hold.  If I see him tomorrow I may have to see if it's really him.  But, how does one approach a total stranger and ask if he ever paints his head white, dresses in neck to ankle and wrist silver, puts on his big walk-around-like-a-freak boots, and walks around downtown, like a freak.  I mean, if it is him it would be nice to know why, and I'll update you, but if it's not, it may not suffice to just tell him that he looks like someone who does.  Although, I guess I don't really need to give him any explanation.  It's not like I know him. 
Someone just came by and plugged in the girl's headphones the rest of the way.  She said thank you, perhaps a bit louder than she meant.  I'm going to miss that inspirational gospel crap.  Maybe she'll sing along anyway. 
In other news, I'll be heading out of town with my wife and son next week.  We're taking advantage of the fact that school and half the roads downtown are going to be closing for the big hoopla.  We're going to Maine.  She knows a few people there so we're camping on someone's property for a while.  I'm going lobstering, and eating a lobster.  And, we're going to visit a lot of people I don't know while MJ shows me how great a place Maine is to live.  I'm looking forward to it. 

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